DCM Foundation
Heartfelt Thanks
to our Sponsors

New & Improved DCMF Website Navigation – Easier to Find What You Need

The DCM Foundation website has been reorganized to provide you with faster and easier access to the information you need. This website provides the most current information and resources available to DCM patients and their families.

  • The redesigned homepage gives you links to access important information about DCM including Symptoms, Stages, Arrhythmias, Causes, and Genetics – as well as easy links to access upcoming webinars, genetic awareness, and Patient Support resources

And, be sure to check out the following:

  1. Find a Cardiomyopathy Specialist – This page explains why finding a heart failure or cardiomyopathy specialist is so important and can make a big difference in treatment recommendations and outcomes. By visiting this page, you will be able to access a special tool to help identify cardiomyopathy specialists within a certain radius of any U.S. address.
  2. NEW page for Genetic Testing announcing the NEW Genetic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Consortium (GCAC) campaign. This campaign is a collaborative effort of 8 cardiomyopathy patient groups. The goal? To provide awareness and information about the important role genetics plays in cardiomyopathy and the need for genetic testing. Join us to celebrate our official “launch” of this campaign by attending a free webinar, on March 8th from 6:00-7:00 PM ET, entitled “Cardiomyopathy & Genetics – Get the Facts & Save Lives.” Click here to register!
  3. Under the Patient Support and Resources tab, you will find updated resources including information about programs available to support DCM patients such as:
    • Healthy Together – An 8-week virtual group wellness program (next session begins Feb 7, 2023, with 12 free seats available! Interested? Please email program leader, Julie Wilde, at julie@transformwithwellness.com for further information.)
    • Patient Groups & Resource Links Here you’ll find current information on active support groups across multiple platforms to find the group that best suits the patient’s interests and lifestyle.  Also listed are websites and resource links with applicable information for DCM patients and families.
    • The Insurance & Financial Resources page has been updated with new links to access tips and resources on working with insurance companies and/or seeking financial support.
  4. Webinar Recordings – You can also easily access all previously recorded webinars by clicking here. Sample topics covered include:

We hope you will find the updated website easier to navigate to find the information you are looking for! As always, if you’re looking for something specific, we recommend using the “Search” box in the top right corner of our website. There, you can type in any search term and it will bring up all the DCM Foundation website pages containing that term. 

Questions? Contact us at info@dcmfoundation.org – we’re here to help you on your DCM journey.


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Dublin, Ohio 43017
