DCM Foundation
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DCM and Living with a Pacemaker

It’s not uncommon for people with dilated cardiomyopathy or heart failure to require treatment for heart rhythm abnormalities, also called arrhythmias. This treatment may include a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), devices that help maintain a regular heartbeat.

In the video below, Greg Hershberger, a DCM Foundation Board Member and DCM patient, shares his experience with a pacemaker.

If your provider is recommending a pacemaker, you likely have many questions. You can learn more about heart rhythm abnormalities often associated with DCM by visiting the Arrhythmias section of the DCM Foundation website.

As always, we would love to hear from you! Comment in the space below or ask questions on the Forums page of the website.

One thought on “DCM and Living with a Pacemaker

  1. Both my husband & son have implanted defibrillators. They both were diagnosed with DCM from Ttn gene mutation. Both wore a life vest for 6 months prior to having the defibrillator placed. It’s just normal for us now. Thank god for our docs!!

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