For people with genetically linked conditions, genetic counselors can be a lifeline of information, support and compassion, so we wanted to let you know about the Heart of Genetic Counseling Award that honors excellence inpatient care provided by genetic counselors during some of the most challenging moments of a patient’s health journey.
If you want to celebrate your genetic counselor, we encourage you to share your story and answer a few questions highlighting how they helped your family better understand your genetic condition and path forward. Select genetic counselors may be featured in a book, honored during an award ceremony at the National Society of Genetic Counselors annual conference in November and may be awarded an additional prize.
Full details and nominations can be submitted at Thank you for considering taking the time to nominate your genetic counselor for the Heart of Genetic Counseling Award.
Nominate a genetic counselor for the 2022 Heart of Genetic Counseling Awards!