DCM Foundation
Heartfelt Thanks
to our Sponsors

Get involved in Heart Failure Awareness Week 2023!

February 12-18, 2023 is National Heart Failure Awareness Week! Join HFSA as we promote heart failure awareness, patient education, and heart failure prevention. This year’s theme of Heart Success: Function Not Failure will shed light on all that can be done to treat heart failure (HF) based on how a patient’s heart is functioning. Learn more about this year’s theme.

Here are five ways you can join us in supporting the campaign:

  1. Follow HFSA on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter and keep watching for #HFWeek2023, #MyHFStory2023, and  #FunctionNotFailure posts!
  2. Become a Promoter! Join me in sharing content developed by HFSA on your social media channels by becoming a promoter through the HFWeek2023 SpiralShare campaign. Simply view the campaign link, download media, and click the social media channel to select content to edit or post as-is.
  3. Tune in to a Live Twitter Chat with partner organizations on Wednesday, February 15 at 12:00 PM ET. Join HFSA and other heart failure-focused organizations on Twitter for a lively discussion on heart failure. The purpose of the chat is to provide healthcare providers and heart failure patients with an overview on the status of heart failure and to discuss ways to improve quality of care and expand heart failure awareness. Follow #HFChat2023 to follow the conversation.
  4. Tune in to Instagram for a Live Discussion with a patient advocate and a heart failure physician (and tell your friends!) on Tuesday, February 14 at 12:00 PM ET! Our patient advocate will then fully take-over the HFSA Instagram account the following day to show us a day in the life of a patient living with HF. Be sure you’re following HFSA on Instagram to catch these moments.
  5. Listen to a NEW episode of the Heart Failure Beat Healthy Living podcast, set to be released on Thursday, February 16. The episode will feature a discussion on what’s new in heart failure care. You won’t want to miss this important update!
  6. Follow #MyHFStory2023 all week as people living with heart failure share their stories across Facebook and Instagram. If you’re a patient, watch for daily story themes and jump into the conversation, sharing your own story on social media.
  7. Sign up for the HFSA Heart Failure Awareness 365 eNewsletter! Heart failure affects millions around the world. That’s why we share patient resources and tools all year long through our Heart Failure Awareness 365 campaign. Sign up for the eNewsletter to have these tools delivered right to your inbox.

HFSA also encourages followers to share valuable patient resources with friends, family, peers and colleagues. Find valuable patient resources in the HFSA Patient Hub and share across your feeds.

Learn more about Heart Failure Awareness Week 2023 and sign up for updates at hfsa.org/hfweek2023.

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Dublin, Ohio 43017
