DCM Foundation
Heartfelt Thanks
to our Sponsors

Establishing Local DCM Support Groups

We heard you!

Many DCM patients and family members have expressed a need for local DCM support groups where they can discuss their shared experiences with dilated cardiomyopathy. 

As a result of your input, we are excited to announce the DCM Foundation is beginning discussions with a number of DCM hospitals and research centers around the country with a goal to establish regional DCM support groups. These local chapters will act as support centers, each with its own facilitator, holding regular meetings where DCM patients and their family members can share their DCM stories and experiences.

It is our hope that by late 2021, we will establish the first of many regional DCM support groups at select DCM medical centers throughout the country. This DCM Foundation project is being spearheaded by Wendy Borsari, working as a consultant with DCM Foundation to launch our first local groups. Wendy is an HCM patient and experienced patient conference and support group leader. Her hard work in developing partnerships with regional DCM medical centers is central to this effort. To learn more about Wendy, please read below.

As Greg Ruf, President of DCM Foundation stated,

“We are very excited about forming local support groups through major Heart Failure, DCM and Research Hospitals. Wendy has had great success in creating and directing local support groups in the heart failure community and we are lucky to have her as part of our team.”

Are you part of a local DCM support group?

If so, we’d love to talk with you!

Please contact Wendy directly at wborsari@dcmfoundation.org.

A bit about Wendy:

Wendy Borsari was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) at the age of 24. Wendy’s mother also had HCM as did several of her uncles and cousins. Wendy has two children also affected by the condition. There is a long history of the genetic condition in her family which has led to 7 heart transplants and several incidences of sudden cardiac arrest. Today, Wendy helps educates people about genetic cardiomyopathy via her “Affairs of the Heart” patient conferences held around the United States, and through her consulting work with the DCM Foundation.


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