DCM Foundation
Heartfelt Thanks
to our Sponsors

Call for Genetic Cardiomyopathy Patient Videos

Interested in sharing your story of genetic cardiomyopathy to help others?

The DCM Foundation and the Genetic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Consortium (“GCAC”) are looking for short patient videos or written stories about genetic cardiomyopathy to share in our awareness campaign.

Please submit a short video or written piece that tells your genetic cardiomyopathy story using the guidelines below.

  • Video submissions should be less than 1 minute in length (*see recording tips below); Must be in mp4 format 
  • Written submissions should be no more than 160 words
4 Step Instructions for Submissions


1.) Please include the following information in your submission: 

  • Your first name, your condition (type of cardiomyopathy), and genetic variant. 
  • How you came to be genetically tested. (Did you request it, or did a doctor recommend it?)
  • How has genetic testing potentially saved your life and/or your family’s lives?  
  • Encourage others to share the GCAC campaign – E.g. “Consider getting tested. Learn more at geneticcardiomyopathy.org”

2.) Include your photo (headshot in .jpg format preferred)

3.) Include the following statement in your email: “I give the DCM Foundation and Genetic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Consortium permission to use this story on their blog, social media, and other marketing outreach methods.”

4.) Please submit the video file in mp4 format, or your written story in a Word doc, along with the requested information above in #2 and #3 by emailing it to jrock@dcmfoundation.org 

*Important Video Recording Tips:

  • Please record the video on your phone in a well-lit area and remember to film in “landscape” – with your phone sideways (not vertically)
  • Choose a quiet place to record

Thank you for your help in this important endeavor!






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Dublin, Ohio 43017
