DCM Foundation
Heartfelt Thanks
to our Sponsors


Welcome to the DCM Foundation Blog!

Welcome to the DCM Foundation Blog! We will use this blog to share dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) patient and family stories, DCM resources, and information from health care professionals. As we launch this blog, we want to tell you a little bit about the DCM Foundation, why we started it, and why it’s so important to our team.

Three years ago, two patients with DCM and two cardiologists who specialize in the treatment of DCM came up with the idea of creating a non-profit organization focused on supporting and educating the community of DCM patients and their family members.

We completed the requirements to become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and developed a mission statement−to provide hope and support to patients and families through research, advocacy and education.

Since then we have connected online and in person with many other health care professionals and members of our DCM community, and formed relationships with committed corporate partners who believe in our mission.

What we also realized was that the existing online DCM information was limited, and that unlike most other chronic diseases, there was no single organization for individuals impacted by DCM.

Launching the dcmfoundation.org website was a giant step for us, and we strive to make this the most comprehensive online resource that exists on DCM. We have continued to add important pages and information to our website, including the public forums.

The forums are an online place where individuals with DCM and their families can connect and engage in conversations with others who may be in similar situations. We encourage you to complete the brief forum registration form and start posting topics and offering suggestions to others in our community.

Please also browse our website information and videos on topics like DCM symptoms, causes, and heart failure stages. Check back regularly as we will update this blog, and we also have some exciting new resources in the works that we will be adding to the site in the coming months.

We are very proud of the DCM Foundation and what we have accomplished already. Supporting individuals with DCM and their families remains our top priority, so please reach out to us by completing the contact form on the website or emailing us at info@dcmfoundation.org.  Tell us what you would like to see from us! If you have an idea for a blog post, please share it!

We look forward to connecting soon!

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7826 Kate Brown Drive
Dublin, Ohio 43017
